
Hulst, NL

De Bourgondiër Netherlands

On behalf of Edwin Verstraete and Yvonne de Jager, Bowltech has installed a 10-lane QubicaAMF  New Center Package to create a brand new lounge styled center: QubicaAMF Xli EDGE Pinspotters, SPL Boutique Lanes which have been approved by NBI for official sport bowling, Harmony Infinity furniture, Harmony Ball Returns and BES X Ultimate Bowler Entertainment System.


Pinspotter QubicaAMF XLi EDGE Pinspotter - 10 pcs.
Lanes QubicaAMF SPL Boutique Lanes
Ball Return QubicaAMF Harmony Ball Returns
Seating QubicaAMF Harmony Infinity Furnture
Scoring BES X Ultimate Scoring & Entertainment System




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